March 27, 2012

red fish, blue fish, kill me.

My Deep Sea background for the worksheet:

Pretty simple. That's probably going to be the easiest one, since you can't see much when it gets that deep. Really, if I were being completely accurate, I should just have put a black background, but I figured I should connect to the cards.

My in-progress Open Ocean background:

Not done yet. But still, pretty low-key. I'm gonna try to make that top right corner pretty impressive, but the rest is just gonna be those sun rays and the gradient.

These are the easy ones. The river and the coral reef....oh man. Those'll take a while.

EDIT: an update... the "finished" ocean pelagic and started demersal getting a little crazy.

Some more fish:

And, get ready for it: the first freshwater fish that actually looks half-decent:

So it turns out these take about 45 minutes each. No wonder this is such slow going.

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