September 24, 2011

Found Typography

Here's some stuff I found right around my apt and around King Memorial station:

And here's all the typography from the bowels of my purse (surprisingly few):

Update on the whole squid situation:
So, a lot of people have given me a lot of different opinions, and I've decided to finish two versions--the "real" ink blobs, and a modified version of pen tool ink blobs. I think they both have pros and cons, and I honestly can't make a final decision since I like them both so much. So there it is. This means I'll probably have two versions of this font advertisement, and maybe the event poster too, so I'm really a masochist right now (especially since today and tomorrow I'm doing stuff all day, so I'm going to get no sleep this weekend and Monday night...), but whatever. It's for a good cause?

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