February 26, 2012

more skate it or hang it logo ideas

A more graphic/typographical approach.  I still like the tribal pattern idea, so I think I'm going to explore that more over the break, but here's where I am right now.


  1. More. More. More.
    You are just getting creative in these...now introduce that full package of Deborah Color that no one else can do....this is a great opportunity to work outside all the rules. Outside all the expectations. The potential for fresh design is all around you..just dig a little deeper and dig in a new place that has never been tapped before. Your potential is overwhelming. It's up to you to either tap into that new place or to let it pass you by...I double dawg dare you to dig further into this amazing sport and lifestyle that skateboarding provides. It's rich with texture, color and no rules. More. More.
