October 22, 2011

Design blogs I stalk

Other than the obligatory Facebook, Gmail, Youtube, etc (which indubitably accounts for at least 50 or 60 percent of my internet traffic), I have a couple design haunts...

The ones everyone knows:

The Die Line

Graphic Exchange


And some more random ones. I have a folder of bookmarks I just start going down when I'm stuck on a project, and I always seem to get inspired before I reach the bottom.

Cretique I actually got this one from Morgan.

Abduzeedo - they have a specific section for inspiration. They also have some really great Photoshop and Illustrator tutorials.

Design Envy - by AIGA

dot Blog - this one is actually discontinued, but there's a bunch of great posts to check out anyway :)

There's a bunch more, but it's really not any specific handful that I go to every day--I just scroll through my bookmarks for something interesting, and then they usually link to other places, which link to other places, and I end up getting a bunch more bookmarks for the next time this whole cycle starts.

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